Teeth Whitening in Menlo Park, CA

Teeth Whitening in Menlo Park, CA

Teeth whitening treatment is a cosmetic dental procedure aimed at brightening and enhancing the appearance of your teeth.

Over time, our pearly whites can become stained or discolored due to various factors such as aging, consumption of certain foods and beverages, smoking, or poor oral hygiene habits. At our dental office, we utilize the Opalescence teeth whitening system to eliminate those stains and give you a bright smile. This advanced technology allows us to provide safe and effective teeth-whitening solutions tailored to meet your unique needs.

Opalescence Teeth Whitening

At our dental office, we take great pride in offering the best teeth whitening treatment options available. One of our trusted and highly effective methods is Opalescence teeth whitening. This cutting-edge technology allows us to achieve remarkable results for our patients.

Opalescence teeth whitening utilizes a specially formulated gel that contains active ingredients carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide designed to penetrate deep into the enamel of your teeth. The gel works by breaking down stains and discolorations, leaving behind a brighter and whiter smile. With Opalescence, we are able to personalize each treatment based on your desired level of brightness and sensitivity concerns. Our experienced team will guide you through every step of the process to ensure optimal comfort and satisfaction.

Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments We Offer

At our dental office, we provide a range of teeth whitening options using the highly effective Opalescence system.

  • Custom Whitening Trays: One popular choice is custom whitening trays, which are personally fitted to your mouth for maximum comfort and effectiveness. These trays allow you to apply the whitening gel at home, following the instructions provided by our professional team.
  • In-office Bleaching: For those looking for quick results, we also offer in-office bleaching sessions. During this treatment, our skilled dental professionals will carefully apply a powerful whitening gel directly onto your teeth. This method can achieve significant lightening in just one visit to our office.
  • Teeth whitening strips: If convenience is your priority, then our teeth whitening strips may be the right option for you. These thin and flexible strips are coated with a peroxide-based gel that works to remove stains from your teeth's surface. Simply adhere them to your upper and lower arches and leave them on for the recommended time period.

No matter which Opalescence teeth whitening method you choose, rest assured that all options have been thoroughly tested and proven safe for use on natural tooth enamel.

Opalescence Teeth Whitening Procedure

Opalescence teeth whitening procedure is a highly effective and popular method for achieving a brighter, whiter smile. This procedure involves the use of a professional-grade bleaching gel that contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active ingredient. During the procedure, your dentist will carefully apply the whitening gel to your teeth using custom-fitted trays. These trays are designed to fit snugly over your teeth, ensuring maximum contact between the gel and your enamel. The trays can be worn for a specified amount of time each day, depending on your dentist's recommendations.

The Opalescence gel works by penetrating deep into the enamel and breaking down stains and discoloration at a molecular level. It targets both extrinsic stains caused by external factors like food and beverages, as well as intrinsic stains that occur within the tooth structure itself.

One of the advantages of Opalescence teeth whitening is its versatility. Your dentist in Menlo Park, CA, can customize the treatment plan according to your specific needs and desired level of whitening. Whether you prefer an in-office bleaching session or take-home whitening trays, Opalescence offers options to suit every lifestyle.


Teeth whitening treatment can be a game-changer when it comes to enhancing your smile and boosting your confidence. With our use of Opalescence teeth whitening, we offer various options to cater to your specific needs.

So why wait? Schedule an appointment with us today, and let us brighten up your smile! Visit Stanford Family Dental - Dr. Jamie Paychev DDS at 150 Middlefield Rd #101, Menlo Park, CA 94025, or call (650) 328-2072 to learn more.


Contact Us

150 Middlefield Rd #101,
Menlo Park, CA, CA, 94025

Email: office@stanfordfamilydental.com

Phone: (650) 328-2072

Working Hours

MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm

WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm


